Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Q: I am at the end of my tether with my partner. He is so nice and easy-going in many ways, but when we have an argument, he gets so defensive and never seems to listen. He does sometimes apologise, but I find it so frustrating, and it takes me ages to stop feeling annoyed. He cuts me off mid-sentence or changes the subject. Sometimes he tries to make a joke of it and this drives me mad. I actually get so wound up I end up having to go for a walk to calm down or I would lose the rag at him for good. I just can’t live like this as it’s like a roller coaster of it being great and then we argue, and it feels crap. We keep arguing more often because it feels like we are still getting over the last argument and then a new one starts. We’ve been together years and part of me can’t believe I’m even thinking about leaving, but I am just wrecked. Is it time to just call it a day, or will this ever change?

This story continues at ‘Irish Independent’